Designing The Urban Commons 2015
ENTRY #440 SOCIAL MATERIAL BANK by JAMES P. KINSELLA If we re-look at public space or the commons from the view point of having multiple entry points and as being nomadic in nature then we need to approach re-inventing the commons in other ways. I propose a nomadic sculpture ‘The Utopian Dream Machine ‘. This structure can be perceived as an instrument of commoning. The structure is stainless steel cube 2m x 2m x 2m with a small entrance door and covered on the inner surface by small oak wooden pyramids 5 x 5cm and reverse pyramids of Perspex. Created as a sculptured ‘Temple’ local dignitaries, Imams, bishops or witchdoctors could be invited to cast good spells to enhance and give it a mystical local feel. This sculpture – cube contains a digital interface inside where people can document and upload their thoughts and ideas on important issues locally. The ‘utopian Dream Machine’ can be perceived as a physical digital platform where we collect ideas through events in art and public spaces. The project entails participation, commoning and meeting on common ground. My role create sculpture engage with organisations and initiate procedures to lend it out. Commoning groups and collectives throughout London can use this sculpture and facility to enhance their activities and events. A Gallery or Museum interested in participatory art will hold the sculpture and let it out. The sculpture is owned by everyone, all citizens of London. If there are very few resources we can build a MDF version of the sculpture for a lesser cost. The structure will cost between €500 and €1000 and could be built at the chosen Museum or a local collective space with participation by open call to local artists. I am presently creating a €500 version here in Vienna. I am a research based Visual Artists based in Vienna with a studio at Studio das weisse haus. I am responsible for the project and I want to collaborate with as many people as is possible in London through open invitation and recommendation. My role will be to find interested art and activist collectives and create the sculpture jointly with an open invitation to the public in London. I will also set up a blog and invite any collectives engaged with commoning to join and participate in the project and encourage locals to take responsibility for the project when it’s up and running. I have good experience in working with varied organisations and communities here in Vienna. Check here I will also be part of designing the procedures of
letting out the ‘Utopian Dream Machine’ to collectives and vested interests. |